If you are considering abortion, it’s important to learn about the different procedures, side effects, and potential physical and emotional risks if you are considering abortion for your unplanned pregnancy. The possibility of an incomplete abortion and infection are real.

What Are the Risks of Medication Abortion?

The abortion pill method is a medication abortion because it uses two drugs to terminate a pregnancy. The FDA highly regulates the first drug, mifepristone. Only certified providers can prescribe it.

The abortion pill is primarily safe, but there are some limitations as to who can use this method. It is vital you know how far along you are in your pregnancy. The FDA approves the use of the drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy only (70 days from the first day of your last period). The Mayo Clinic recommends not using them past nine weeks of pregnancy (56 days).

The farther you are into your pregnancy, the less effective the drugs become. An incomplete abortion opens you up to an infection, which leads to heavy bleeding, fever, and abdominal pain.

Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a headache. Since you complete the procedure at home, make sure you understand how much pain is too much and the amount of bleeding you should expect.

What Are the Risks of Surgical Abortion?

There are various surgical abortions depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy. For a pregnancy 12 weeks or under, an abortion provider performs suction or vacuum aspiration. As the pregnancy progresses, the provider adds surgical instruments such as a sharp scraping tool or forceps to remove larger parts.

The provider needs to dilate (open) your cervix because your pregnancy is advanced. You should have local anesthesia as well.

Since surgical abortions use surgical tools, you run the risk of damage to internal structures. For instance, the provider can accidentally poke a hole in the uterus or tear the cervix. Infection is also a possibility.

Side effects include bleeding and cramping. You’ll want to watch for dizziness, fever, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

How Do I Find Out What Procedure I Qualify For?

The easiest way to figure out your potential procedure is through ultrasound. An ultrasound can determine how far along you are in your pregnancy and its location.

In addition, you’ll learn if your pregnancy is growing or if you have had a miscarriage. Experts estimate that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, which often happens early.

Come to My Life Clinic for a free pregnancy test. We can schedule you for a free and confidential limited ultrasound if your test is positive. Get the information you need before you travel for an abortion.

Make an appointment for your free pregnancy test today. Our medical staff can confirm if your pregnancy test is positive and provide a safe space for you to process your results.