Only you can decide what option is best for your unexpected pregnancy. No one can legally force you or pressure you to make one decision over another. Choosing what to do is one of the most significant decisions you will ever make.

The best way to determine what’s right is to learn as much as possible about each option. At My Life Clinic, we have client advocates ready to sit down with you, discuss your situation, and provide support.

Schedule an appointment to talk with us today.

How Much Do You Know About Abortion?

Getting an abortion is a major physical and emotional decision. Learning about the procedures, side effects, and potential risks is essential. There is also some additional information you’ll need before choosing your next steps.

For instance, do you know exactly how far along you are in your pregnancy? The gestational age is important because the number of weeks you’ve been pregnant determines the type of procedure. 

The FDA has approved the use of abortion pill drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy only (70 days from the first day of your last menstrual period). The farther along you are in your pregnancy, the greater the potential for complications. 

It’s also critical to know if your pregnancy is growing or if you have miscarried. Experts estimate as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. 

In any pregnancy, there is the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. This type of pregnancy is growing in the wrong location and can be life-threatening. You must receive immediate treatment.

An ultrasound can provide all of this information. My Life Clinic offers free limited ultrasounds for clients who get a positive pregnancy test result at our clinic.

How Much Do You Know About Adoption?

Many myths surround adoption and it’s important to have the correct information if it’s an option you’re considering.  Placing your child for adoption is a difficult decision to make, but in many circumstances, it means you are thinking about the needs of your child. 

Adoption has changed dramatically over the last few decades. Now, the expectant mother can choose the potential adoptive couple and guide the future she wants for her child. Many couples from all walks of life are waiting to adopt. Birth mothers are also able to select the best adoption plan for them, choosing between open adoption, semi-open adoption, or closed adoption. 

In Missouri, you receive free medical care, complete adoption counseling and planning, and legal representation. Depending on your situation, it is also possible to have some pregnancy-related expenses covered. For instance, receiving payment for your rent, food, clothing, etc., may be possible. 

At My Life Clinic, we partner with adoption agencies based in Columbia, Missouri. If you’re considering adoption, we can connect you with an advocate to meet with you, often on the same day as your appointment with us. 

Schedule an Appointment with My Life Clinic

What to do about your unexpected pregnancy can be overwhelming. You shouldn’t have to make the decision alone. 

Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can provide additional information with a free limited ultrasound. We do not place children for adoption, but we can connect you with a local adoption agency that can come alongside you in considering that option.

We’re here to support you. Confidence comes with knowing as much as you can about your options. Schedule an appointment today.