I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Maybe you think you might be pregnant and are unsure what to do. You don’t like the idea of abortion, and yet you are not planning on having a baby right now.  What are your options? First, you should step back and find out if you are pregnant.  Sometimes, symptoms that seem like pregnancy are

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Can You Get Pregnant Again After An Abortion?

Like any medical procedure, abortion has risks and side effects. However, does it prevent future pregnancies? Many women have abortions because it is not the right time to have a child. However, they may want to be pregnant and start a family in the future.  Let’s look at the different factors that may cause problems

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Why Talk To Us About Abortion?

If you think you might be pregnant and are unsure of what to do, My Life Clinic can be your first step. We provide a safe and caring environment to find the answers you need.  All medical procedures, including abortion, have risks and side effects. For your health and safety, talk with us about abortion

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