3 Things Needed Before Abortion

Before any major medical procedure, meeting with your healthcare provider to see if you’re physically and mentally prepared is vital. Getting an abortion is no different. Experts recommend specific tests and a complete review of your medical history. Here are three things you need to do before you schedule an abortion. 1. Confirm Your Pregnancy

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Only you can decide what option is best for your unexpected pregnancy. No one can legally force you or pressure you to make one decision over another. Choosing what to do is one of the most significant decisions you will ever make. The best way to determine what’s right is to learn as much as

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

There are risks with any medical procedure, and abortion is no exception. One of the risks is an incomplete abortion, which means not all of the fetal and placental tissue (the pregnancy) comes out of the uterus.  When tissue remains inside, it can cause severe bleeding, infection, and other health complications. Make sure you recognize

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